
Ascaris lumbricoides Learn more about Ascaris lumbricoides

  • Control of Ascaris lumbricoides in cultured hedgehog

    Control of Ascaris lumbricoides in cultured hedgehog

    It is a disease caused by Ascaris lumbricoides parasitic in hedgehogs. In addition to parasitic in the intestinal tract caused by intestinal symptoms, sometimes also into the biliary tract to produce biliary ascariasis. 1) the pathogeny Ascaris lumbricoides is a parasite in the intestinal tract of human and livestock. Each female worm can give birth in the intestinal tract day and night.

    2020-11-08 Breeding hedgehog Ascaris lumbricoides disease control yes send born in
  • Symptoms and control measures of Ascaris lumbricoides in pigs

    Symptoms and control measures of Ascaris lumbricoides in pigs

    Symptoms and control measures of Ascaris lumbricoides in pigs

  • Can crabs be eaten raw?

    Can crabs be eaten raw?

    Eat crabs raw, shrimp alive, grasshoppers half-cooked. Crabs can be eaten raw. The famous Liquor-Soaked Crabs is actually eaten raw. But those with bad intestines and stomach are not recommended to eat raw. It was found that the infection rate and infection rate of Ascaris lumbricoides larvae in live crabs were very high, and Ascaris lumbricoides were susceptible to lung ascariasis.

    2020-11-11 Crab yes raw Mo crab seed live shrimp.
  • 4 methods of expelling Ascaris suum

    4 methods of expelling Ascaris suum

    ⑴ uses 20 grams of pumpkin seeds for every 10 kilograms of pig body weight, and feeds the pigs with mixture after research for 2 times in a row. Pumpkin seeds can drive out Ascaris lumbricoides as well as tapeworms. ⑵ takes 15-20 grams of betel nut and bitter neem bark for every 10 kg body weight of pigs, boils with 1 kg of water and feeds them with a small amount of feed after cooling. ⑶ makes a gentleman grind it up and set it aside. 10-15kg piglets were fed 5-8g each time, twice in a row (7-8pm, and breakfast again the next day). 20-

  • Etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of small intestinal obstruction in dogs

    Etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of small intestinal obstruction in dogs

    Small intestinal obstruction is a kind of acute abdomen in dogs, which is often caused by mechanical obstruction of the intestinal cavity or irreversible changes in the normal position of the small intestine, such as intussusception, incarceration, torsion and so on. Small intestinal obstruction not only causes intestinal obstruction, but also accompanied by local blood circulation disturbance. The cause of the disease is to eat bones, nuts and elastic toys. Intestinal parasites such as Ascaris lumbricoides, Taenia solium and intestinal obstruction caused by Ascaris lumbricoides are the main causes. Intestinal adhesion and intestinal tumor after operation. Strenuous activity after eating causes mesenteric rupture, septal rupture, umbilical hernia and intestinal entry.

  • How long does the flowering period of a gentleman make a gentleman effective and effective?

    How long does the flowering period of a gentleman make a gentleman effective and effective?

    How long does the flowering period of a gentleman make a gentleman effective and effective?

  • Five-character method for high yield of laying duck-- drive, light, hair, exchange, release

    Five-character method for high yield of laying duck-- drive, light, hair, exchange, release

    Five-character method for high yield of laying duck-- drive, light, hair, exchange, release

  • Make the efficacy and function of a gentleman

    Make the efficacy and function of a gentleman

    Make the efficacy and function of a gentleman

  • Pet dogs need to remove insects from the inside out.

    Pet dogs need to remove insects from the inside out.

    "the beauty of a woman should be from the inside out!" I'm afraid many people are familiar with this kind of advertising slogan, but you have to disinfect your dog from the inside out. I'm afraid this is the first time you've heard of it. Dog owners all know that dogs have to be immunized and dewormed against infectious diseases every year, and the order must not be reversed. Compared with vaccination against infectious diseases, disinfestation is not so simple. Do deworming immunity, can effectively kill the dog Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworms, pinworms and other parasitic eggs. In the minds of some dog owners, deworming their dogs

  • A complete Collection of Prevention and Control of Porcine parasitic Diseases

    A complete Collection of Prevention and Control of Porcine parasitic Diseases

    A complete Collection of Prevention and Control of Porcine parasitic Diseases

  • Deworming methods of common parasites in chickens

    Deworming methods of common parasites in chickens

    Deworming methods of common parasites in chickens

  • The efficacy and function of southern crane lice

    The efficacy and function of southern crane lice

    The efficacy and function of southern crane lice

  • The planting method of making a gentleman

    The planting method of making a gentleman

    There are four planting methods for a gentleman, namely, seed planting, cutting planting, striping planting and split planting. Seed planting is generally carried out in spring and autumn, autumn sowing with picking and sowing, spring sowing with seeds stored in previous years. Cuttage planting is 20 cm long for two years.

    2020-11-09 Make gentleman planting method make
  • Selection of drugs for Porcine parasites

    Selection of drugs for Porcine parasites

    There are many kinds of deworming drugs for pigs, but we should choose drugs with fast effect, easy to use, cheap, low toxicity and no drug resistance, as long as we choose them properly, we will get the effect of deworming. Anthelmintic drugs are divided into anti-nematode drugs, anti-trematode drugs, anti-tapeworm drugs and antiprotozoal drugs. Due to the different properties of the agents, even the anti-nematode drugs are not effective against all nematodes. For example, levamisole and albendazole are ideal nematode repellents at present, which are cheap, safe and reliable with low toxicity. And

  • Species of pig parasites

    Species of pig parasites

    In terms of economy and damage degree, the main parasites that harm live pigs The main parasites can be divided into the following three categories: (1) the less harmful and common parasites include Cysticercus cellulosae, piglet-like nematodes, porcine hair head nematodes (Trichuris suis), porcine echinococcosis, porcine esophageal mouth nematodes (porcine sarcoidosis), Ascaris suum (porcine snail pharyngostoma), porcine giant snout echinococcosis, porcine lice, porcine Eimeria and so on. (2) the serious and widespread parasites include ginger flake worm, Ascaris lumbricoides and pig queen.

  • Skillfully using towel gourd to treat animal diseases

    Skillfully using towel gourd to treat animal diseases

    Skillfully using towel gourd to treat animal diseases

  • Rice brown planthopper

    Rice brown planthopper

    Rice brown planthopper is also known as brown planthopper, commonly known as Ascaris lumbricoides, soft shell Ascaris, Ascaris, midges. Scientific name Nilaparvatalugens (Stdl) Homoptera, Homoptera. Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) is one of the main rice pests in China.

  • Prevention and control of porcine clonorchiasis

    Prevention and control of porcine clonorchiasis

    1. Clonorchiasis ginger. ⑴ treatment. The following drugs can be used for deworming: ① sulfuric dichlorophenol. 60mg to 70mg per kg of body weight, mixed with a small amount of concentrate, safe and effective. ② nitrothiocyanamide. 3mg to 6mg per kilogram of body weight, once mixed and fed. ③ praziquantel. 5 mg per kilogram of body weight, good deworming effect. ④ trichlorfon. 100 mg per kilogram of body weight, the total amount of pigs does not exceed 8 g. Oral administration can not only achieve better results, but also dispel Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris. Usually recognized

  • How to raise hedgehog in artificial culture

    How to raise hedgehog in artificial culture

    How to raise hedgehog in artificial culture

  • Efficacy and function of Evodia rutaecarpa

    Efficacy and function of Evodia rutaecarpa

    Efficacy and function of Evodia rutaecarpa
